Composite image showing a modern building, a person reading from a tablet and builders installing solar panels

Issuance Programmes

BNG Bank issues non-labelled and ESG-labelled bonds in various currencies and maturities, to enable financing at lowest possible rates for its clients. The funding strategy is based on a diversified approach. This implies regular presence in EUR and USD bond markets, as well as potentially in other currencies, and a good distribution of investor types and currencies.

The following programmes are available to raise long-term and short-term funding.

Debt issuance programme 



Base Prospectus Euro 110,000,000,000 Debt Issuance Programme 23 May 2024
Terms & Conditions base prospectus 2016 - 2023               

Kangaroo / Kauri programme



Information Memorandum AUD 15,000,000,000 Medium term note programme 
(pdf, 352 KB)
2 February 2024

Euro-commercial paper programme



Information Memorandum Euro 20,000,000,000 Euro-commercial paper programme 
(pdf, 892 KB)
6 april 2023

USD commercial paper programme



USD 20,000,000,000 commercial paper programme.
For any questions or information requests regarding this programme, please contact BNG Bank at
24 May 2023


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