Annual report 2022
Because of our strong capital position, we were able to raise funding on favourable terms. This enabled us to offer our clients attractive conditions, thus helping them to achieve their social objectives.
Late 2022, we presented our Going Green climate plan. With this climate plan, we are taking a next step on the road to energy transition and CO2 reduction. Together with our clients we want to make the Netherlands more sustainable, more future-proof and greener. The point of departure here is that BNG Bank is the bank of and for the public domain.”
Our Road to Impact
As part of our strategy Our Road to Impact, we further optimised our operations in 2022. In the interest of the client, we invested in systems and people.
Download annual report 2022
The annual report and the financial statements are published in English and together they form the Annual Report BNG Bank 2022. For our shareholders and customers we have made a Dutch version. In case of discrepancies, the English version is leading.- Annual report BNG Bank 2022 including financial statements (pdf, 7 MB)
- GRI Content Index 2022 Comprehensive option (pdf, 2 MB)
- ESEF Package (zip, 9.7MB)
Pillar 3-report
Besides the annual report we yearly publish a report about the capital adequacy and risk management of BNG Bank.
- Pillar 3 Disclosure Report BNG Bank 2022 (pdf, 4.1 MB)