BNG Bank General Meeting appoints two new members of the Supervisory Board

25 April 2024

On 25 April 2024, BNG Bank's General Meeting approved the financial statements for 2023. In addition, Marja Elsinga and Constant Korthout were appointed members of the BNG Supervisory Board for a term of four years.

Nieuwe RvC leden Constant Korthout en Marja Elsinga samen met Voorzitter Huub Arendse

During the meeting, CEO Gita Salden elaborated on BNG Bank's strategic progress, emphasising its commitment to supporting customers in achieving their societal goals through its financing activities. In 2023, several projects were completed, contributing to the Netherlands' environmental and social initiatives.  CFO Olivier Labe presented the bank's annual figures. The total long-term loan portfolio totalled EUR 89.2 billion at the end of 2023. The net profit for 2023 amounted to EUR 254 million. 

Dividend proposal and remuneration policy

BNG Bank proposed distributing 50% of the available profit after tax and compensation deductions for providers of hybrid capital as dividends, consistent with its dividend policy. This equates to a total dividend of EUR 120 million and a dividend per share of EUR 2.16. The proposal was approved by the shareholders during the general meeting.
Furthermore, the proposal to amend the remuneration policy for the statutory members of the Executive Committee was accepted. The motivation behind this amendment is to align the remuneration policy on certain points more closely with the remuneration policy for state participations.

New Supervisory Board members

Due to the departure of Jan van Rutte and Johan Conijn as members of the BNG Supervisory Board, the General Meeting appointed Marja Elsinga and Constant Korthout as new members. Elsinga is a professor of Housing Institutions & Governance at the Faculty of Architecture at TU Delft. Korthout served as Chief Financial & Risk Officer (CFRO) at Van Lanschot Kempen until 2022. He holds supervisory positions at various institutions.

Afscheid commissarissen Jan van Rutte en Johan Conijn


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