BNG Bank receives ECB capital requirement 2020
24 December 2019 9:00 - The Hague
This total SREP capital requirement consists of (i) the minimum CET1 requirement under Pillar 1 (4.5%), (ii) the Pillar 1 Additional Tier 1 requirement (1.5%), (iii) the Pillar 1 Tier 2 requirement (2%), (iv) the Pillar 2 CET1 capital requirement (Pillar 2 requirement, 2.25%). Including the buffer requirements (the capital conservation buffer (CCB, 2.5% CET1), the countercyclical buffer (CCY, 0.08%) and the Other Systemic Important Institution buffer (OSII, 1.00%)), this results in an Overall Capital Requirement of 13.83%.
As of 30 June 2019, the Tier 1 capital ratio amounts to 38%. As such, BNG Bank's capitalization is substantially above the ECB requirement.
Frederike Versloot, Spokesperson