BNG Bank receives ECB capital requirement of 2024

13 December 2023

As part of the annual Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP) BNG Bank has received notification from the European Central Bank that the total SREP capital requirement for BNG Bank is set at 10%, effective as of 1 January 2024. This requirement is to be held in the form of 56.25% of Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital and 75% of Tier 1 capital, as a minimum.

This total SREP capital requirement consists of (i) the minimum CET1 requirement under Pillar 1 (4.5%), (ii) the Pillar 1 Additional Tier 1 requirement (1.5%), (iii) the Pillar 1 Tier 2 requirement (2%), (iv) the Pillar 2 CET1 capital requirement (Pillar 2 requirement, 2%). Including the buffer requirements: the capital conservation buffer (CCB, 2.5% CET1), the countercyclical buffer (CCyB, 1% for loans outstanding in the Netherlands) and the Other Systemic Important Institution buffer (O-SII buffer, 1%), the Overall Capital Requirement (OCR) results.

Note: De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) has determined that – starting 31 May 2024 – the CCyB for lending in the Netherlands will increase to 2% (conditional on prevailing economic circumstances) and that the O-SII buffer for BNG Bank will decrease to 0.25%. 

As of 30 June 2023, the Tier 1 capital ratio amounts to 41.4%. As such, BNG Bank’s capitalization is substantially above the ECB requirement.

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